**Dahlia tubers will ship in spring when it's safe to plant
Queen! These stately flowers never fail to deliver serious wow factor: yard to table. Architectural blooms are coveted by floral designers; and though hard to come by in stores, they are surprisingly easy to grow.
Blooming continually from mid/late summer until the first frost, dahlias pack a punch when it comes to productivity - as long as you keep cutting, they’ll keep flowering.
In zones 8 and above, you can leave tubers in the ground to perennialize (aka: come back every year); in lower zones, if there's any risk of the ground freezing, they'll need to be dug up and stored in a cool, dry place over winter - tubers will rot if frozen.
If you live in the Southeast or face hot summers... this one is for you. Like a sister to the coveted Cafe Au Lait dahlia - Breakout dahlias have a similar look but are known to stand up better to the heat and set sourthern gardeners up for success.
Check out our guide to growing dahlias in the South or hot climates to learn more.
Breakout Dahlia
- 3 Breakout Dahlia Tubers
- A 4x6” frame-able watercolor print - along with growing instructions
- Perennial tubers (should be dug and stored in zones where the ground freezes)
- Easy to grow and prolific - bloom continuosly from mid/late summer to first frost
- Sun to part-shade
- Container friendly
- Plant once all danger of frost has past
***Tubers will ship in spring when it is safe to plant