**Dahlia Tubers will ship this spring when it's safe to plant.
Queen! These stately flowers never fail to deliver serious wow factor: yard to table. Their architectural blooms are coveted by floral designers; though hard to come by in stores, they are surprisingly easy to grow.
Blooming continually from mid/late summer until the first frost, dahlias pack a punch when it comes to productivity - as long as you keep cutting, they’ll keep flowering.
In zones 8 and above, you can leave tubers in the ground to perennialize (aka: come back every year); in lower zones, if there's any risk of the ground freezing, they'll need to be dug up and stored in a cool, dry place over winter - tubers will rot if frozen.
If you live in the Southeast or face hot summers... this bundle is for you. Curated with heat-resistant varieties in mind, it sets sourthern gardeners up for success and offers a blend of bloom sizes and forms to create a perfect base for backyard floral arrangments all season long.
- 1 Peaches
- 1 Penhill Watermelon
- 1 Totally Tangerine
Check out our guide to growing dahlias in the South or hot climates to learn more.
Grow Along with: This bundle arranges well with Ballerina Zinnia, Queeny Lime with Blush Zinnia, Cherry Caramel Phlox, Flamingo Feather Celosia and Emerald Tassle Amaranth
Dahlia Bundle - Just Peachy
- 1 Peaches dahlia tuber (5" Formal Decorative)
- 1 Penhill Watermelon dahlia tuber (10"+ Informal Decorative)
- 1 Totally Tangerine dahlia tuber (3-4" Anemone)
- A 4x6” frame-able watercolor print - along with growing instructions
- Perennial tubers (should be dug and stored in zones where the ground freezes)
- Easy to grow and prolific - bloom continuosly from mid/late summer to first frost
- Sun to part-shade
- Container friendly
- Plant once all danger of frost has past
***Tubers will ship in spring when it is safe to plant